Don’t be an Easy Target

Protecting your website from hackers is extremely important for your brand reputation and the continuation of your online business. Repairing the damage caused by an intrusion is much more costly than being proactive and protecting your website.

You may imagine that hacks occur by someone fervorously coding away at their computer to break into your website but in most circumstances, that’s not the case. The vast majority of websites become compromised as a result of automated systems meant to scan websites looking for common vulnerabilities. Upon finding a vulnerability, they embed themselves and use your website to infect others and deliver malware to your visitors.

At Contempo Solutions, we take security very seriously and do our best to fortify your website against intrusion. In addition, we perform regular backups to minimize any risk to your business.

Don’t wait until it’s too late.
Call 231-715-1511 and be proactive.

Contempo Solutions is a website security company that strives to keep your domain protected from hackers.
Our website security services feature:
  • HTTPS SSL Certificates
  • WordPress Protection
  • Regular Backups
  • 24-7 Security Monitoring
  • Website Updates
  • Vulnerability Reports
  • Customer Data Protection
  • Firewall Implementation

It just takes one call to protect your users.